Js0group Dll Catia V5r21 Sp6l: A Complete Review and Analysis
To resolve this issue, you can follow the below steps.
Js0group Dll Catia V5r21 Sp6l
Close OneNote 2013.
Open the start menu, select Run and type cmd into the search box.
In the cmd window, type Notepad and press ENTER.
Copy and paste the below code into Notepad.
Press CTRL+X and Y to exit Notepad.
Save the file as fixjs0group.bat (do not rename the file) into a location (e.g. C:\SOLIDWORKS)
Run the file by clicking on the file to get the cmd window up and running.
Run the following command:
cd (the command that will take you to your working directory)
call fixjs0group.bat
Press ENTER to run the command.
Do not hit OK or the file will not be saved.
Wait for the fix to be saved. 
Close Notepad.
Open OneNote 2013, and open a document.
JS0GROUP.DLL is a file that is related to OneNote 2013 running on VMWare. Users are reporting that after installing the latest version of OneNote 2013 when they try to launch OneNote and OneNote Web App, they get an error message that says, JS0GROUP.DLL is a file that is related to OneNote 2013 running on VMWare. Users are reporting that after installing the latest version of OneNote 2013 when they try to launch OneNote and OneNote Web App, they get an error message that says, Recently added in version of oneNote 2013. This DLL is needed by both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of OneNote for 64-bit Windows 7-10 versions running under VMWare virtualization.
JS0GROUP.DLL is a file that is related to OneNote 2013 running on VMWare. Users are reporting that after installing the latest version of OneNote 2013 when they try to launch OneNote and OneNote Web App, they get an error message that says, JS0GROUP.DLL is a file that is related to OneNote 2013 running on VMWare.